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Al-Saa'im Al-Sagheer 2021

Al-Saa’im Al-Sagheer Program is an annual Ramadan activation that aims to educate our children about the importance of the holy month of fasting as an academy for developing:

  • A strong Islamic identity and foundational knowledge
  • Their moral compass and self-esteem
  • Noble character traits based on universal ethics and values

“Ramadan Roundup with Ilyas & Duck” is a daily online animation mini-series to help guide kids through their self-awareness and self-improvement during the month of Ramadan. The “Ramadan Roundup with Ilyas and Duck” show will provide a unique educational animated series targeting children aged 11 years old and below relating to Islam’s universal ethical values. The episodes will be designed to help young kids improve their good habits and deeds in a fun and interactive way through the storyline of the series through the embedded daily challenges the kids can try at home.

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