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Plant Competition in Hadith

The Qur’anic Botanic Garden organizes a competition on plants and botanical terms mentioned in the Hadith during the holy month of Ramadan on the social media platforms of the Qur’anic Botanic Garden.

The competition aims to integrate the segments of society during the holy month of Ramadan in the interactive activities of the Qur’anic Botanic Garden, and to contemplate on the verses of the holy Qur’an and the Hadith of the prophet, peace be upon him, to understand the environmental and botanical terms mentioned therein.

Questions will be asked, answered by the followers, and then the Qur’anic Botanic Garden will display video clips explaining the botanical and environmental terms that were asked in the questions.

Messages will be sent to the winners and prizes will be awarded, and the names will be announced on the social media platforms of the Qur’anic Botanic Garden.

Click here to register